The life is a passion,.....

Our farm is also the home of our 120 dogs and their mushers. The dogs represent several nordic sled-dog breeds,
and you find dogs of all ages at the farm. The wellbeing of our furry friends is the guiding principle in our
business. Many of them are rescue dogs, or they have a bad life before to join us.

We love to play with the dogs and go for a proper run on our private trails in the forest. We run with both sledges and karts, depending on season and prevailing weather conditions. 

Kindly note, that in case of very slippery weather, the mushers will be driving the sleds or carts. This is a matter of safety and comfort.

Our dogs are very playful, and they will jump on you when you enter their yard. 

Some of them love gloves and scarves, so make sure to have yours tucked under your jacket.


Musher since 1987, CEO, marketing

communication and guide..


Administrative officer


     Thomas, Head of Site

                                     Ronan,  guide 

     Ophélie  guide

      Chloé, Guide

               Christopher, Guide

        Carole, Handler

       Axel Handler

Emmanuelle guide

        Elodie Handler

            Noémie Handler

                              Amandine Handler

     Jeanne Handler

        Samuel Handler

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